Friday, November 19, 2004

Work when people are watching!

I met one of our batchmates living in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Tahir Masood, a few days ago. We have been to a few places since we met. A few days ago, we (plus Zahin & Khurram) went to Hot Spot, an ice cream parlour which is at a place mostly covered with trees, resembling a hide-out style. It's a pretty good place to visit after dinner, especially for couples, located in the area opposite to Jinnah Super. There is also a Hot Spot in Karachi near Evolution.

Getting back to the topic (genre being humour with some message), I shall start by mentioning that there are four types of people usually found at work:

  1. One who work when there is work and chill out otherwise
  2. One who don't work much even when there is work and it shows
  3. One who don't work much even when there is work and they pretend being busy (at times extremely busy)
  4. One who work when there is work and even otherwise

I belong to the 1st category and a very few times to the 2nd & 4th one . The main focus of this post will be the 3rd category and I am using this as a chance to embarrass them!

I have seen many people who belong to this category and I assume you have also experienced such observations. There are a few characteristics of these people, some of which I have noted are:

  • They usually come pretty formally dressed and are showy (I guess 50% of their salaries go in presentation).
  • They don't get out of their seats much.
  • Whenever you approach them, they open up something of which they don't have any idea about but, they assume it would create an impression.
  • At lunch or tea or any other casual meeting, when asked about work, they try to impress everyone around by using diplomatic words about their work and they'll only be specific on things which everyone else doesn't know about (and they thought we won't realize this?).
  • At times they'll murmur or position their hands in such a way that the person watching them gets an impression that some rocket science is going on (I laugh at most of them).
  • They'll try to talk in English many a times not realizing the talent they possess in talking rubbish (talking in English -> in Pakistan)
  • They'll try to impress the higher management and they'll do anything for it. Then they'll impress their peers exaggerating about their relationship with the management (They don't know that the management discusses about them with other people).

Enuph! Let's move ahead with the reasons as to why they do this? I think it's due to their lack of vision & sincerity, purely materialistic approach and the misalignment of their focal point, and they think they are too smart! They don't seem to understand that sooner or later everyone (or at least a person) will find out what they are made of.

Due to human nature, which is very complex to me, people tend to attract towards a high profile job not realizing the pre-requisite capabilities. But no! They think they are some sort of a Superman and take up the job even when they not know an atom about it. Hence, when it comes to fulfilling the tasks, most of the time they use their nominal creativity and skills to transfer the ball to other's court (in Urdu we say "topi transfer").

It might take a day or a decade to realize the incapabilities of the person and it depends upon the talent of the subject, but as far as I have seen, the curtain is raised sooner or later and everything becomes clear to the concerned. This leads to the discontinuation of responsibilities at the current location. But the story never seem to end, there comes an era of job hunt, during which they are successful in impressing some other employer through the usage of their Mastery in Bullshit Arts.

And the same story goes on and on, everywhere (a theory). It's a strange world full of strange people finding strange ways to produce strange results (this is not related to everything else...or is it?).

I would appreciate comments on this post, so that we all have a clear understanding of such people, who knows I might end up writing a research paper :P


Jaywalker said...

It seems something hasn't been good in the recent past! Hey cheer up! They might be a disturbance but your competition isn't with these guys - just keep aware of them so that they don't hurt you or your reputation and keep doing your work. Sooner or later people get exposed; it's best to use Mujtaba's policy in this regard: earn credits and then use them effectively.

It's worst when such people are actually your immediate bosses! You should be thankful if that's not the case with you. 8-)

Muhammad Salman Kasbati said...

Everything has been good in the past :)

About this post, I always wanted to write something about these kind of people.

About handling these and other people, Alhamdulillah, it has been a good learning and experience at previous work places. So I am a bit trained of handling all sorts of people both on the agressive side (Mujtaba) and on the soft side (Ali, PM at c2w) and of course, you and I had our post-exercise/work discussions as well :)

The Lil fairy & her angel friends said...

intersting, infact very interesting observation.I really like the way u write about people's behaviours.Kepp it up!
Above all, I just want to know the "Tahir Masood" u mentioned, was he a Fastian?? One who used to go to PAF faisal bak in college?? If yes can i please get his contact information?
He was also my ex-batchmate at PAF...I shall be highly obligated...:-)

Anonymous said...

uncle .. yeh kahin mai tu nahin ?? :S