Monday, January 24, 2005

A game of perceptions

After quite some time, I finally spent good amount of time at the hometown. While I was there, the thought of returning back to Islamabad next week, really made me feel bad. Throughout the week, I enjoyed the time spent there, but internally it wasn't amusing. On the last day in Karachi, I met a good friend of mine and we talked about a few things over a cup of tea. He refreshed & defined a few things related to motivation, which I used to practice somewhat, but never thought of them that way. The main idea of this post is based upon the ideas given to me by Ali Nasim, who used to be my Project Manager at connect2web. Though I have written it according to my perception and have also tried to induce some ideas according to my experience. So here goes.

Quite often we tend to dislike our surrounding due to some factors, simply because they are not in line with our expectations or how we want them to be. Surrounding is a general word and specifically speaking it comprises of people, atmosphere, weather, work, etc. The cause of our dislike might be one of these major factors not being in line. Motivation lessens whenever something is not in line with what we desire or need or simply because of the "doesn't matter" attitude. But, there are two things we can always do; either change it or adapt it. Most of the time, we can't change it because it isn't always in our control. So, we have one choice and that is to adapt accordingly. Moving forward we have two choices; either make it exciting or make it boring. Really, this choice is in our hands and we only need to realize it.

But, for that we have to set our goals or at least some rules to follow in life. Equally important, we need to think upon where we need to go. After selecting the path to follow, if we consider everything in life as temporary, we can easily comprehend each situation as a stepping-stone. This in turn induces excitement in whatever we do (even if we don't like it) and eventually we enjoy it (as it's temporary) and thus good mood occurs. The motivation comes pretty easily after that.

But, considering current as temporary might lead to lack of motivation to improve the surroundings. What to do now? Here comes another concept and that is called excellence. Again it's a game of choice and what we choose is what we get. Islam also preaches the concept of excellence in whatever we do, may it be performing the role of a husband or a wife, a father or a son or it can be as simple as making a cup of tea and can all the way go to creating a business empire. Or we can simply disqualify this concept and don't try to perform well which only leads to dissatisfaction in the end. The choice is in our hands!

Life is a game of perceptions, only the way we perceive things matters and it sets our motivation level, and I think high motivation can do wonders. One can only realize the real significance of high motivation if he's gone through a phase of negligible motivation. Intelligence, knowledge and hard work are nothing without motivation. One can even get excited in making a cup of tea by setting the right perception. On the other hand, working on some high tech space technology stuff can be boring for someone without the right perception and eventually affects the activity and the satisfaction level of the performer.


Jaywalker said...

As good as your luck vs. detail debate! Refreshed me as well, esp the last-but-one paragraph.

Muhammad Salman Kasbati said...

I agree with you and want to further elaborate your last few words: "there is nothing much a soul can do about it".

There's nothing much that can be done to make it better, right? Because one doesn't have control over such factors, such as such as weather, such as disability by birth(may god forbid) or for that matter wealth by birth. But, one thing that can be done is to set a "Careless" attitude towards the disabilities or deficiences and look ahead in life. There's no use crying over spilt milk.

As far as what to do is concerned, I guess I have already elaborated in the post, and I might be redundant in saying that one has the total choice of selecting what to do next, of course the constraints are there, but that's where intelligence comes in. That's why machines can't replace humans, because we have the energy & confidence plus hope and we can set our own perceptions about things, and it doesn't matter even if they are 180 degrees from the reality :).

Anonymous said...

there is a same situation happening with me these days, as What I am doing these days (related to work) I don't want to pursue anymore but the thing in which am interested in, I nam not getting any chance for it. Sometimes ago <\Shahg> told me to do best whatever situation I have, although I tried to do the same but now Its enuff, and as said by you I always want to change the thing rather then adapting it :[ can't change my attitude. Anyway ... kinda good post.


Muhammad Salman Kasbati said...

That's very common :) I agree with you!

You can also change the situation altogether e.g. If you are not satisfied with your job then you can start searching for an alternative. But before accepting the job you should compare your goal/vision with the role in the company and both of these should synchronize (of course you'll see the company's standing as well).

Then once you get a job, you'll have changed the situation.

The important thing is to realize which factors are controllable and which aren't. Many a times we consider controllable factors as uncontrollable and if combined with our "Nonacceptance" attitude, we simply get lower motivation. It's just a matter of realization and expanding your limits.

nina said...

a good post...and some interesting debate going on here. now, it does help to be optimistic and to make the best of whatever you have...for really...what other choice do you have? i've spent a lot of days drowned in depression over matters i had no control over, only to realize much later that there wasn't much i could have done newayz, and those days simply went wasted. for situations/circumstances that are beyond one's control, it helps to put the reality of this thing called 'life' into perspective: it is but a test from Allah Almighty. it is temporary, yet not meaningless. when put in situations less than desirable for us, we are being tested. whatever we do, however we handle it, does matter. and there are great rewards for being thankful for all His Blessings and being patient during such times.

Anonymous said...

Actually when I opt for this job then this is due to the Company's Image which is quite good over here in Karachi, but once I get stuck with its #^$ project, then after spending some 7-8 months with that team, I am thinking of either changing the job or project atleast, although I have learnt alot with this team but infact am getting an impression that if I continue with this then it won't be possibble for me to go to the place where I want myself to be :[

The factor/attitude value pair depends upon an individual characteristics, it seems to me as a tree with an attitude as the root & factor as its descendant, like if u have a non-acceptance attitude then even controllable things went un-controllable/un-manageable. So an individual's attitude values most in his career :]


Muhammad Salman Kasbati said...

Mobeen, I guess you have answered your own question and I hope you would've benefitted from the discussion in here.

Just one more thing, I strongly believe that we can change our attitude to a greater extent if we let go our ego & realize that we need to adapt to the situation. The key is "submission" wherever required!

Anonymous said...

Life is a game of perceptions, a very good article by KASBATI.

Really it's a world of choices (give n take)...SOMETIMES, we find SOMETHINGS that are in our control and we've to decide for the best from available options and we choose the best depending on our priorities. Sometimes, we come up with money as our highest priority, sometimes these are social values which takes our priority and sometimes......In the end it's our choice to decide the right priority for the things which are in our control and for the things which are not in our control we should enjoy those to morally support ourselves. We should always remember that "The happiest people don’t have everything in life; they just make the BEST OF EVERYTHING that life brings their way".

Muhammad Mateen.

Muhammad Salman Kasbati said...

Well written, Mateen :) and thanks.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce him, a very good friend of mine. I have seen very few guys really being motivated towards work, he's one of them. He's always been an inspiration for me during the days we worked together at one of our client's site. I remember once he did 10 days work in 3 days and he achieved it simply through his intelligence, passion & dedication (stuck to his seat for hours) and I used to drag him to lunch, which he forgot daily because of his involvement in work.

A practical example of how to perceive things with regards to a particular type of work which most of us fail to perceive because of our high expectations & lack of interest in that type of work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments :). Don't know whether it was introduction or honor but the fact is that I'm being overestimated here. Anyways, flying in clouds after reading the remarks from a remarkable friend :)

hay, this is not give n take nor collaborative marketing :), but the fact is that, you've been an astonishing personality for me due to yours in-depth insights, amazing analytical skills and immense observations. Not going to write much about you as "NAAM HI KAAFI HAY" :)

Would like to tell one more thing which always keeps me motivated and that’s "Many of life's failures are people who didn't realize how close they were to success when they gave up?" Therefore, I afraid of loosing spirit if I’m near to goal and this thinking brings motivation inside me.

Muhammad Mateen.

Anonymous said...

just to say WoW!!

i liked ur article A game of perception!! just because now a days almost same circumstances and situations are happening with me, and i do agree with u that its a world of choices, there are so many alternatives and we have to select on best of them..coz the choice is in our own hand either to make our life Boring or Exciting, Excellent or Worst... great going salman...keep it up.