Friday, January 14, 2005

Current Telecom affairs in Pakistan..

Telecard's GO CDMA, a wireless CDMA phone service, launched in Karachi on 12th January.

A friend of mine working at Telecard as GO CDMA's product manager provided me the following information:

  • CDMA based Wireless phone service. Competition: PTCL.
  • Its a wireless landline connection, that works on CDMA technology (better than GSM).
  • PTCL charges Rs. 2.01, they charge Rs. 0.40.
  • Phone is also internet enabled, meaning wireless internet across Karachi, you can carry the phone around with you.
  • 144 kbps network supported, actual speeds are around 30 - 40k download.
  • Launch across pakistan within 2 months.
  • Lowest Internet rate package is Rs. 299 for 25 hours, highest is Unlimited for 1499.
  • Amazing response, sales outlets are CONSTANTLY full.
Let's see whether this service can compete with PTCL at a decent level or not.

Recently Paktel GSM also lowered its rates to the lowest around, here are the details (as they claim):

  • Local Call Rate 3.75 / min Airtime (does "Airtime" signify something?).
  • This applies to calling to any PTCL number (to any city in Pakistan), any other mobile network or from Paktel to Paktel. All calls will be charged the same local rate!

As far as I can recall, Warid Telecom is also planning for a limited launch somewhere around the end of January and a full fledge launch will be done somewhere around the mid of April.

Telenor will also be launching their service pretty soon, as far as I can recall it'll be in mid March.

With Paktel's offer & the current development going on, it's obvious that Mobilink & Ufone will have to improve their service as well as lower their rates in order to retain the market share. At least, we as customers, will most probably get a broadened choice & surely will benefit from the proceedings.


The Lil fairy & her angel friends said...

hmm..well certain points tat i wud like to clarify here r ..
first of all you can carry the phone around with its not so..u can just carry it in the area for which u got the number issued for.(I dun really know if u meant teh same)
second PTCL charges Rs. 2.01, they charge Rs. 0.40..hmm yeha but as long as the call's CDMA to CDMA, nd not much ppl are using it.

then,hone is also internet enabled. Right but only if you can get teh set! the device supporting the facility is short and tehn teher are problems faced by teh users who bought it.

Im not writing against it just that i bought a new connection for my bank..nd man im in trouble! I was also planning to connect my banks branches through it but seems like ill ve to reconsider.

Muhammad Salman Kasbati said...

Well, thanks for stopping by & sharing your experience :)

Yes, it is implicit that the charges are from GO to GO and thus the comparison was done b/w "PTCL to PTCL" & "GO to GO". In PTCL as well, if you dial on other network there are extra charges one has to pay e.g. PTCL to Mobilink is not the same as PTCL to PTCL or for that matter PTCL to CDMA. Right?

About the problems, I am no advocate of this CDMA thing, but I think initally every new technology has problems until it gets matured. And ALL problems are only identified once the feedback is received from the actual real-life users.

I'll be thankful if you can share the problems in it so that all of us are aware about them.

The Lil fairy & her angel friends said...

hmm..i think my comments were taken very offensively.
Supernet is my favourite vendor/SP and it was just that i was sharing my experience...else a part of my netwrok is based on CDMA technology.
Niways no offenses will surely write about the details later

Muhammad Salman Kasbati said...

Offensive, no way!! :) I very strongly believe that this is a discussion, no offenses :)

Though, thanks for pointing that out, it must've been obvious from my comment :)

Teeth Maestro said...

check out the discssion on

KO-Blog @

A good few discussions have been on GoCDMA etc - though I think its not a good buy 0.40 is indeed only CDMA to CDMA - the internet connectivity is not as fast as they claim. its a step in the right direction towards a free telecom industry but we still have ways to go. The only way to defeat the PTCL hold would be to offer land lines at reduced rates or simply remove per call charges completly and only offer per month charge with unlimited calling